The Street.com, 137, 138 |
TheStreetPros.com, 138 |
TheStreetTalk.com, 138 |
Thought watching, 114116 |
Time and sales, 5 |
Time management, 156 |
Timeliness of information, 100, 101, 141 |
Tools (see Exercises/tools) |
TradeCast, 131 |
Trader's-mind, 196 (See also Short-term traders) |
Tradescape.com, 7, 131 |
Trading addiction, 32, 33, 3537 |
Trading chat rooms, 137 |
Trading day, stages, 221227 |
Trading game paradox, 7479 |
Trading hours, 9 |
Trading perfection (see Perfection vs. excellence) |
Trading room, 57, 58, 121127 |
Trading setting: |
home office, 128134 |
trading room, 57, 58, 121127 |
Trading styles, 2044 |
balanced, 43, 44 |
doubter-timid, 2931, 135, 169 |
gambler-impulsive, 3135, 134, 169 |
obsessive-disciplined, 2229, 134, 135, 169 |
optimist-gullible, 3740, 135, 158, 169 |
questions to ask, 43 |
victim-blamer, 4042, 170 |
Trailing stops, 214 |
Training workshops, 139 |
Trigger, 107, 108 |
Triple witching Friday, 231 |
True polarities, 86, 87 |
Truthfulness, 6870 |
Vacations, 145 |
Velez, Oliver, 119 |
Victim-blamer trading style, 4042, 170 |
Virtual mentoring service, 127 |
Visualize the chart, 111, 112 |
Voice dialogue technique, 95, 96 |
Volatile stocks, 199 |
"What have you done for me lately" mentality, 181, 182 |
When Good Enough Is Never Enough (Hendlin), 172 |
Whole is greater than sum of parts, 217 |
Wholesaler, 130 |
Windfall, 248 |
Windfall profits envy, 248251 |
Window dressing, 230 |
www.investormap.com, 13 |
www.marketxt.com, 9 |
www.sonic.net/donaldj, 25 |
Yahoo!, 137, 141 |
Yielding in midst of trading battle, 165, 166 |
Yielding mode, 152158, 167 |
Yin and yang of Wall Street, 45 |
Zen, 232252 |
author's experience, 233 |
craving/clinging, 244, 245 |
envy, 245251 |
money, 241244 |
present-centeredness, 251, 252 |
prosperity, 235 |
quotes, 239241 |
rational thought, 238 |